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The Indonesian Traditional Food

2. Analyze the differences and teh similarity of those two text! Difference : a. Explanation text and complex prosedures have different structures.    b. The explanation text is not specifically presenting steps to action, but can be used for such purpose. Similarity : Contains steps or stages in completing something. 3. Then plan to make the Indonesian tradisional food or drink, practice at home with your family. 4. Don't forget to take the photos of your activities step by step. 5. Write your prosedure and explanation texts! Prosedure Text   HOW TO MAKE JAVANESE FRIED RICE Ingredients : ~ 1 plate of white rice ~ Cooking oil for saute seasoning Blended Ingredients : - Onion 3 cloves - Garlic 3 cloves - 3 pieces of cayenne pepper - 1 red chili - 2 leeks - 1 tomato - Salt to taste - Terasi to taste Complementary Ingredients : • 1 tomato • 1 red

Postingan Terbaru

Rewrite the explanation text using passive sentences

The sentence which is underlined change to passive voice